The Keg O'zone

Here is where the corona discharge tube is put to use in a pumped reflow system.

Aqueous Ozone

A completed modular corona discharge tube ozonator with power supply

Purple Corona Creates Ozone

Corona Discharge Module

Module Assembly Instructions:

Wrap alumina ceramic tube with tight coils of 30 AWG copper wire. Place a second wire inside the bore of the alumina ceramic tube with a short length sticking out of the end. Place short lengths of silicone tubing on the outside of the borosilicate glass tube. insert the alumina tube and copper wire assembly into the borosilicate glass tube and draw the copper wires through the silicone tubing. Solder silicone sleeved 28 AWG wire leads onto the two copper wires. Combine corona discharge modules in parallel with 1/4" drip irrigation tees and elbows. Connect to high voltage power supply like a neon lamp driver for multiple modules or a germicidal lamp inverter for single modules.

Early prototype attached to power supply and black venturi mixer. Follow link for a 'how to'.

Relevant Literature:

Ozone Dissolved in Water: An Innovative Tool for the Production of Young Plants in Grapevine Nurseries?

Postharvest Quality of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria x Ananassa Duch cv. Albion) as Affected by Ozone Washing: Fungal Spoilage, Mechanical Properties, and Structure

Freshness Maintenance of Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) During Postharvest Using Ozone in Aqueous Phase: Microbiological, Structure, and Mechanical issues

Microbial reduction and storage quality of fresh-cut cilantro washed with acidic electrolyzed water and aqueous ozone

Assessing the potential of unmanned aerial vehicle spraying of aqueous ozone as an outdoor disinfectant for SARS-CoV-2

Reduction of Norovirus Surrogates Alone and in Association with Bacteria on Leaf Lettuce and Tomatoes During Application of Aqueous Ozone

Microbiological Aspects of Ozone Applications in Food: A Review

Effects of Different Aqueous Ozone Exposure Times and Usage Times on Mortality of Tetranychus urticae Koch on Capsicum annuum L.

In vitro and in planta fungicide properties of ozonated water against the esca-associated fungus Phaeoacremonium aleophilum

Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and naturally present microbes on fresh-cut lettuce using lactic acid and aqueous ozone

A completed corona discharge tube is available here on Etsy

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