Mushroom Cultivation

spawn is what is used to inoculate mushroom logs to grow
mushrooms. It is readily available from several suppliers in
the form of small dowels impregnated with the vegetative
growth of the selected mushroom or in a sawdust mixture. The
sawdust mixture is cheaper, but requires a special
tool to insert it into holes drilled in logs. Sawdust
spawn is about $25 per 5lbs and plug spawn is about $12 per
hundred plugs. Sawdust spawn can easily be made by inoculating
plug spawn into jars of a sawdust/wheat bran mixture or using
liquid culture syringes to inoculate the sawdust medium. You can
buy liquid cultures of many mushroom species in syringes for $10-$15
per 12ml and inoculate many canning jars of spawn. If you have
a pressure cooker and some canning jars you are well on your way to
making your own sawdust spawn. The
process of making sawdust spawn will be illustrated here when I have time to
document the process.
Mushroom Inoculum Suppliers
Mushroom Mountain - Offers a good deal on plug spawn
Mushroom Inoculum - Many species available
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